Laundry and Little Dogs


I am such a cool person I have disguised this post to be lame and only personal. 555 I have fooled you.
Let me start with something important to me.

You are not your language. That is a phrase I have started to tell myself when I talk to my friends and family from all around the world and a way to remind myself that I don’t have to act a certain way here. Just because you speak Thai doesn’t make a certain way, just most people think you are that way because of what they know about culture and country. The same goes for all the countries and languages around the world. We need to understand that the majority of  us make expectations about everything from people to the food of a country that could be negative when living there. I know I sound like I am repeating what has been told to people over and over again but one of these times it has to finally stick. I know I needed to experience it myself to understand the importance of it. Because once we get those thoughts out of the way, we have the opportunity to do so many good deeds with others from around the world. Can you imagine the things that could be accomplished and created with a united effort on a worldwide scale without any mental barriers we build to have differences between us that hold us back?

I feel like there is nothing more to say on that topic at this time so lets keep this post rolling!

So the reason for my lame title is because it Saturday and that means it is Laundry day! woohoo! please hold your applause family members who know I never did much of that back home. And so I am writing this post between doing the laundry and I go outside to hang up my clothes and I see one of the stray dogs in my village and it just squeezes through the gate walks around in the yard and walks right out through the way it came. It is really strange because most of the strays here are small dogs who can do that. The dog idea and believes are different here in Thailand so it may be hard on dog lovers to hear this. There are lots of stray dogs here in Thailand alot of them live on the streets living of scrapes people give them. Now you may be starting to think this is cruel but here it is really nice of people to do cause they don’t have space or baht for a dog and so they give them food when they can. And many nights you can hear the barking of the dogs and possible fights between them. Here it something you learn to live with and accept as a non-local it could be hard for people to understand the thought process of the Thai people about dogs. I say these things not to offend or be rude but to share the differences we have and accept others.

10 days until grandfather very excited to see him have some plans I will surprise him with and the gifts he with bring from home!

Ok so the other week was Halloween and my adviser and coordinator asked me the day before if I could go in front of the school in a Halloween costume and talk about Halloween to the students. With one day to prepare I think I did pretty good! With a scrap construction paper witch hat and trash bag cape I looked like a hobo witch. Oh don’t forget my crazy Halloween socks!


 Luckily the students didn’t seem to notice my embarrassmentDSCF4783 The student had to answer the question of what were the 2 popular Halloween colors! Answer: Black and Orange. He got a caramel apple lollipop from home!

DSCF4790DSCF4800 These are my socks that shocked every teacher and student I wore them all day! I felt on top of the world 😉

After school I came home and had a failed on my part Halloween dinner I made of hot dogs mummies and jello that never set… But after the ok dinner I made. My mom and sister gave me Halloween candy! I stayed up and watched Halloween movies hoping to have a candy hangover.

Now I am listening to christmas music on a very sunny day here in Thailand wanting some snow but worried how that would affect the my laundry drying in the sun…

So I leave you now with some words of wisdom.

“There are no foreign lands it is only the traveler who is foreign.”
With foreign love,

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