So we all know you call easily Google facts about Thailand and that’s great but I figure you would like to know the ones some forgot to mention. I will share ones that you may know and ones hopeful you don’t know. Do note that none of this is stated to be rude to this beautiful country and culture. I just want to share the differences we have but still let others see we are still humans with our own interesting ways!
On the top of my head…

#1 Thai bathrooms are really different….I know it sounds weird… But in a Thai bathroom you have the water hose and toilet paper and a waste bin (if you are in a fancy place, you have a western toilet with a trash bin for the toilet paper) But most places like gas stations and my school and older homes. You either have a toilet that is a little of the ground with the water hose or a Thai toilet
Thai-style_toilets(I am the coolest blogger because I have a picture of a toilet in my blog) This ladies and gentlemen is a Thai style toilet. You put your feet on either side of the toilet and when you are finished you use the little bowl to flush away the waster into the toilet until it is gone. And I should be really worried how strange I sound to everyone….

#2 Fries are super popular here and often eaten as dessert. Crazy sounding right? but yes McDonald’s has found its popularity in Thailand. Thai people like it a lot cause its western and its really expensive here i think its 135 baht for a Big Mac…( conversion is still cheap for foreigners but the average amount for food should be under 100 baht more around 20-60 baht) So the fries are cheaper and they just eat fries its really strange but they really like eating potatoes like that I don’t see them eaten in any other way besides fries… and sadly Thai people are naturally skinny no matter how much food they eat they are still skinnier than the foreigners eating the Thai food.wai-mcdonalds-thailand Thank you for coming! Cop coon!

#3…. Coming Soon…

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